Welcome to District 19’s Student Services! Our district student services offer consultative, resource, instructional and specialized programming for students who have been identified as having a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
The goal of special education and related services is to support each child and address their individual needs. Therefore, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed in collaboration with parents, general education teachers, and special service staff on a yearly basis minimally.
The services provided include specialized instruction for students with learning disabilities, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, vision and hearing itinerant services, specialized instruction, and supports for students with emotional/behavioral disorders, mild cognitive impairments, and students with Autism.
District 19 offers a variety of specialized programming along the continuum of services to meet the diverse needs of its many students. The programs are typically campus-based, with a few programming options out of the district to allow students to move through their specialized programming with their same-age peers.